Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The old man's longevity secret: speaking nore honeyed words

"Good words a warm three winter", warm is not only obedient people, as well as the speaker himself. For the elderly, often say a few "sweet talk", but also allow yourself smiling and heart wide gas and can be regarded as a good longevity.
There was a 104-year-old woman, good health, but also to do needlework. When her TV interview, talking about his longevity: insensitive, eat, sleep, heart wide Zuitian, rejoice Going, smile on his face every day.
Indeed, joy, peace of mind for the elderly in terms of the most rare and most valuable. With increasing age and physical function decline, many elderly heart breeds pessimism, people have become boring, lonely, which is more terrible than the physical disease risks. The mouth, sweeter, more praise to others, people are more concerned about positive, positive factors beneficial to create a good interpersonal atmosphere, can bring peace and happiness and tranquil and simple joy.
Of course, "Zuitian" not always talk about things more than others unprincipled to accommodate the flatter, it needs to put yourself thinking of other people, found each other's advantages, understand their difficulties, but also to define their identity, role, a good grasp of speaking time.

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